Monday, March 21, 2011

Ladies Bible Study (Kind of)

I spent 2 hours at a Ladies Bible Study tonight. Its only my second week going. But, it is amazing! We were talking about giving to the church tonight. (That's not what I'm going to talk about, though.) A question was asked; "How hard is it to change from the old to the new?" Although we didn't talk about it long, it got me thinking.

How hard is it really?

I think its different for everyone. So I thought, why not talk about what it was like for me. (What its still like.)

I used to be a partier. Hardcore. I drank and smoked. I had awful thoughts. I hung out with the "bad crowd". I did what everyone else did. I "fell" for the wrong guys. I have always believed in God. But, only recently have I created a relationship with him. I have grown fairly fast, but I have resisted change. I can't begin to tell you how hard it was for me to let go of my bad habits. I still find myself doing things that aren't right. I know I always will, because we all sin. However, they are things I can handle.

I feel as though I will never be rid of the old me. It has taken so long to get where I am now. I know that God will guide me through my journey with him, but it just feels like its going to take forever. I trust him with all my heart.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're enjoying Bible Study. We love having you there! I'd love to hear your story of how you turned your life around.
