Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Its just, the pain never goes away...you just learn to live with it

Heartbreak: The real kind

As I come into this new year, I am forced to realize the facts. Shes not here to share it with...

Shirley Marie Davies 02/15/1926-11/06/2012

My Gigi, later to be known as Grammie. 

Now, I know that a lot of people will find it strange that I could be so upset about my great grandma. Because, to be quite frank, most people don't even know their great grandma and even if they do the don't necessarily  always try to get to know them. I would say that it is safe for me to claim that in this time, most families aren't as close as I am to mine. Now that doesn't mean that the rest of my family members are just as close. But, with me its different. See, my mom had me when she was 15 years old. Back then, that was pretty young. So I always say that my parents didn't just raise me, my family raised me. And they really did. I can remember memories with every great aunt and uncle. Then, my "just" aunts and uncles are almost my age. (Now how awesome is that to have such awesome aunts and uncles that I can call my friends???) But my Gigi, oh my Gigi, she takes the cake. She was a great grandma, grandma, and mom all rapped into one. She had all of the best aspects of every one of those roles. She always just let me be me. She never judged me, and if she didn't agree with something I said or did she would simply tell me why but, it was always followed by "I'll support you in whatever you do", or something along those lines. There were countless nights of staying up late watching the golden girls and playing skip-bo. Her letting me take all the dishes out and "washing" them, even though they were already clean. Letting me make baby food for my dolls out of whatever I could pull out of the lazy-susan. The sleep overs on the dreadful pull out couch  just because I thought it was cool. I could list on and on all that she did for me when I was younger, but what really comes out as the most amazing was what she did for me when I was older. I had just came back from a college experience that didn't go so well. She welcomed me with open arms into her house, even though she hadn't had anyone living with her for years. She gave up her solitude for me. All she ever wanted was for me to: 1) know how much I really was loved, 2) to be able to be the person to show me that, and 3) for me to succeed. When I got a job at the burger king down the road (my first "real" job ever) I have never felt someone be so proud. Just about burger king of all things. Then, when I met Phil and no one else seemed to approve of him, she did. She was the first to meet him, the first to welcome him in to the family (with open arms), and the first to love him. She was always by my side. So, when she got sick it was only right that I was by hers. She became my life. I spent almost every moment with her. Making charts for her med's, which no one else followed....( -.- ) haha. But when we found out that it was terminal cancer, I spent so much time in denial that it never really hit me tell the last week. She said her goodbyes to me, about four or five times. And now, as I sit in my cousin's house only 10 minutes away from where I lived with her, I can't help but feel that hole that sits in my heart. That pain behind my every move. Most days I wake up and feel like I'm just going through the motions. Because, I truly lost my best friend. The most important person in my life. But, as my heart hurts and I realize that its not going away I feel the security of her with me. Of her whispering in my ear that its all going to be okay. Of her saying "Goodnight honey, I love you more.", as I walk down the stairs to crawl into my bed that had been made just that day by her. Her voice lives in my mind and part of her soul lives in my heart.

Forget boys, men, women, girls, whatever it is for you. This is the one true real heart break. The loss of a person you know you never want to live without. 

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